Scientific Writing Support
As Scientific Writing Specialist in Beckman Institute, I provide writing and editorial support to researchers affiliated with BI's Resource Centers and Facilities, as well as other faculty in the Division of Biology and Biological Engineering. I joined Caltech in 2021 and am excited to put my academic training in multidisciplinary humanities and writing pedagogy, as well as my professional editorial experience, in the service of advancing scientific research.
Grant writing support is a major component of the work I do at Caltech. I have worked on proposals for grants from NIH, NSF, and DOE, as well as private foundations such as CZI and Wellcome Trust. I've also contributed to white papers and internal memos soliciting support for emerging projects. I also work with researchers to edit manuscripts before they are submitted for publication.
I offer grant writing workshops and drop-in office hours for postdocs and graduate students in BBE and CCE multiple times per academic year.
I am available to collaborate with BI/BBE faculty on writing projects of all kinds. Beyond grant proposals and manuscripts, I have a strong interest in science writing for the general public and would be happy to work with colleagues on publications for broad readership.